Greetings internet traveler, I'm so glad you could make it! You've stumbled upon my wonderful website, my
humble abode for showing off the things that make me unique while broadening my knowledge on web development.
Please, feel free to look around in every corner if you so wish, and make yourself at home.
But wait!!! Don't start clicking around yet, you need to know how to get around. Check the left side of the
screen with links to pages plus a site map and changelog. The right side has all my socials and other ways
to get in touch with me. Plus, you can find my guest book (WIP) on the right column, where you can
leave your name, site+button (which I will put in my buttons), and any other feedback.
Speaking of buttons, there is an ever growing buttons sections at the very bottom of the page. When you
inevitably get bored of my site, check them out too. Although, not every button leads to a website. For convinience sake, I have
all the ones that do lead somewhere near the top.
Apologies for the rambling, and enjoy your stay at Sickle's Place.